Make a pattern of your floor and then recreate it with plywood. Lay it over what you have and presto magico...nail it down a lot and you got a new floor!Can you replace floor boards in bath room with plyboard before floor tiling?
you might not have depends on what kind of floor is already down and also depends what type of flooring your putting down. if the subfloor(3/4'; plywood) is rotted then you need to replace it.if your putting ceramic tile down you need to add cement board,vinyl tile or add luane(1/4'; plywood...usually stapled to subfloor) wood flooring is installed directly over subfloor.whatever you decide to do make sure the elevation is correct to match up to the adjoining floor Genuine Flooring Company.... Michigan hope this helps
yes just done mine
You must replace them with the ply or lay the plywood on top of the floorboards secured in place by woodscrews. Marine ply is the best to use as it is highly water resistant.
Do not tile directly onto floorboards or you will regret this later. They shrink and expand all the time. Result? Loose tiles and start all over again!
The plywood is much less prone to expansion giving a secure base for the tiles.
Just make sure that the plyboard you use is marine ply (i.e. water resistant), it might cost a bit more, but the ordinary stuff won't take the dampness.
no. you put it on top.
Sure. Just make sure it is the same thickness as the remaining boards that were not replaced.
yeah you can pull the old flooring out and replace it just make sure to match the thickness so you dont have ripples.
they use high compression chipboard in UK
When we had a bathroom floor done, we had the old linoleum and sub flooring removed. Sub-flooring is the plywood floor itself, and if it is damaged, it should be pried up and replaced, especially if you are going to put down ceramic tile. Be sure to use a good sealant on the grout and tile after it is set to seal out water and moisture.
Sure you can, they do it all the time- Remove the Commode- its no big deal, just common sense.
yup m
Yes you can but which is going to be easier to cut? the ply or the floor board
Yes. But it depends on the tile. Vynil will also need a luanne sub-floor
i would of thought so
You can providing it is thick enough and not at the cheaper end of the price ranges.
However, most building contractors place it on top of existing floorboards and screw it down in place before covering it with floor tiling. That way you can get away with using cheaper and thinner plywood because the strength is in the existing floorboards, assuming they're not rotten in the first place.
Plyboard is the best option either overlaid or replaced, however make sure the ply is screwed down at 300mm (12 ';) centres, also if you overlay with ply screw down the floor boards first, do not use a chipboard as this can shrink or expand by 6 % overall.
Apply a sealant ie PVA to board before tiling, and use an adhesive designed for timber, a flexible grout will help with movement too.
if you can leave an expansion at the edges which could be covered by a skirting maybe, take out all sanitary ware before tiling easier and better finish, when done silicone all edges and around sanitary ware.
Good Luck
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